Turn Your Laptop Into JARVIS From Iron Man !

You have probably heard about the Iron Man Personal Assistant,AKA J.A.R.V.I.S, you would have wondered if you could convert youlaptop/desktop into a full featured roboticassistant,you could do it.And it is pretty easy. Although you might not be able to launch missiles and deploy security armor, you can do easy tasks like asking for weather, shutting PC down, pimp its interface etc etc...

So Lets Get It Started,What Do You Need :

Windows 7 or 8 ( 7 is just great, 8 will work, vista will not )
Windows Speech Recognition Macros. (Link)
# A Bluetooth/Wireless Headset With Mic (optional)
# JARVIS Theme. (read below)

So That You Don't Get Confused :

We have divided the "convert-to-jarvis" mission into 3 Divisions :
- Training The Windows Speech Recognition Program.
- Setting Up The Windows Speech Macros.
- Setting Up The J.A.R.V.I.S Interface.

Step One : Train Your Windows Speech Recognition Program : 5 Minutes :

Yeah I Know, A Basic Step, But The Most Important part of "convert-to-jarvis" mission, what you gotta do is fire up thewindows speech recognition program, which comes pre-installed with the Windows, way to access it is via start bar. Now choose the required Fields,and after it is done, visit the  "Train your computer to better understand you" section, it is not necessary for people with clear voice/accent, but I strongly advise you to spend at least 5 Minutes on this so your computer can understand you better.

Step Two : Setting Up The Windows Speech Recognition Macros : 5 Minutes :

Now if you Have set-up-ed the Windows Speech Recog Program, you would have been trying out all sorts of cool commands, But now to spice it up, We'll use the Windows Speech Macros.I assume you would have already downloaded it from the link above and installed it.After Installing it i would advise you to put its shortcuts in two places, One in the desktop and other in the start-up folder, so it would start the second your computer boots up.So a little walk through to this software, This is a super-cool, little software that teaches your computer to talk to you interactively.Here is how to set up the commands :
Double Click The Macros Icon, and when the window pops up asking "What should the macro do?" click "Advanced." For those of you familiar with creating websites, this should be a welcome site. WSRM uses XML for commands... which makes creating custom commands relatively simple. For those of you who aren't aware of XML, it's still easy.Here Is A Little Sypnosis at what are you looking at :

<speechMacros> - This is the starting Tag, it just tells the computer that this XML file uses the Speech Macros to execute.

<command> - This is the command to be executed. Each command is basically one action... in most cases you will only need one, but for some automations you'll want to include more than one. You'll see an example of this later.

<listenFor></listenFor> - This tells the computer what word or phrase to listen for in order to do an action. Notice that there is a closing tag (</listenFor>), this tells the XML that this spot in the code is where to stop doing whatever function... in this case stop listening for a word or phrase once the computer hears it.

</command> - The closing tag for the "Command" tag... again, in XML every tag will have an opening/closing tag and what happens between the two is how it knows what to execute. In this case it knows that the command is finished once the word/phrase has been detected.

</speechMacros> - By now I think you can figure out why this is here.

Since I'm going to name my computer Jarvis, I'm going to tell my computer to listen for it's name by changing the <listenFor> tags to say the following :   <listenFor>Jarvis</listenFor>

Here Is A Little Applet That will teach my laptop to Reply Me :
<listenFor>Wake Up Jarvis</listenFor>
<speak>Systems Online, Database Check, Good Morning Sir !</speak>

So Whenever I Say "Hey Jarvis" My Computer will reply me with "System Online,Database Check, Good Morning Sir ! ", You can change it to whatever you like !

An Speech Macro For Getting The Weather :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<listenFor>Pull up the weather in [CityName]</listenFor>
<run command="http://www.weather.com/weather/local/{[CityName.zipCode]}"/>
<listenFor>Is it cold in [CityName]?</listenFor>
<speak>Let me check... just a moment.</speak>
<script language="JScript">
<var xml_doc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
<xml_doc.async = false;
<var titles = xml_doc.getElementsByTagName("title");
<var descriptions = xml_doc.getElementsByTagName("description");
<Application.Speak(titles.item(2).text + " in {[*CityName]}");
<listenForList name="CityName" propname="zipCode">
<item propval="65201">Columbia</item>
<item propval="37201">Nashville</item>
A Macro To Restart The Computer :
You will just have to say "Nuke It!" and the computer will restart :

<listenFor>Nuke it</listenFor>
<speak>Rebooting The System.</speak>
<run command="C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe" params="-r -t 00"/>

Another One To Shut Down The Computer :
You will have to say "Goodbye Jarvis" And the Pc Will Shut Down :

<listenFor>GoodBye Jarvis !</listenFor>
<speak>Getting Offline,Bye Sir</speak>
<run command="C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe" params="-s -t 00"/>

Download This Pretty Little App And Extract It To C:\NIR\  and you will add more intelligence to your PC :

Volume Up:
<listenFor>volume up</listenFor>
<run command="C:\nir\nircmd.exe" params="changesysvolume +5000"/>
<speak>Volume Up</speak>

Volume Down:
<listenFor>volume down</listenFor>
<run command="C:\nir\nircmd.exe" params="changesysvolume -5000"/>
<speak>Volume Down</speak>

Volume Medium :

<listenFor>volume medium</listenFor>
<run command="C:\nir\nircmd.exe" params="setsysvolume 30000"/>
<speak>Volume at medium listening level</speak>

For More Interactivity, install Voice Search on Google chrome or some similar app in firefox !

Step Three : Pimping The Interface : 5 Minutes :

So well we have completed the talking and replying part, but we don't need the old crappy windows desktop, we need a kick ass interactive desktop so our computer looks like jarvis, to do that we will install this theme from Devianart . After that we will need to pimp up the start of windows, to do that we will download this little utility called Bootchanger, and getting a boot screen animation of your choice form here, then you are done.

Welcome To Jarvis !
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We Can use our USB as RAM


1) First Insert the Pen Drive atleast having an memory of 1GB ,( Preferably 4GB) in the Given USB port of the Computer
2) Wait for the Pen Drive Detection and see whether it is detected or not
3) After detection of Pen Drive, you should do the following things Carefully
4) Now go to My Computer and right click it, then go to the Properties
5) Now go to Advanced and then to the Performance settings
6) Now again Advanced, and go to Change
7) In the Change, select the pen drive which u inserted
Then click on the Custom size and ” check the value of space available ”
9) Please Enter the Same in the Initial and Maximum Columns also
10) Now your Pen drive space is used for the System Virtual Memory , Just Restart and enjoy the Faster and Furious PC
Warning : Try at u r own risk.

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Fasten the copying speed of your usb

If your Pen Drive File Transferring speed is slow here is the way to speed up the coping files on pen drive

> Connect your pen drive
> go to “my Computer”
> Right Click on “Removable device” which is your Pen Drive letter
> Now Select the Last Option that is “Properties”
> Go to “Tools” option
> Select “check disk error” and Click OK
> Now Again Right Click on your Pen drive and Select “Format” option
> Click on “Default value”
> uncheck (unmark) the “Quick Format” option
> Click on Format

  • Plz wait as this will take some time to finished
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These are the simple Ways to Hide u r IP Address Online

Every computer on the Internet has a unique IP address allotted to it which makes it possible to trace it back to its exact location. Even though the concept of Internet Protocol address has been designed for its transparency and traceability, in some cases this questions the privacy of the Internet user where one would not like to reveal his/her identity to the outside world. Well, if you are one such person who is in search of ways to hide your IP address online, then you are at the right place. In this post, I will discuss some of the easy and popular ways to hide your IP address, so that your identity and privacy is kept safe.

One of the most popular and easy ways to hide your IP address online is to use a proxy server. In simple words, a proxy server is any server that will act as an intermediary between your computer and the Internet. Instead of communicating directly with the websites or Internet resources, here you communicate with the proxy server which then forwards all your requests to the remote server so as to establish a back and forth communication between your computer and the Internet. So, whenever you are hiding behind a proxy, the Internet or the websites you visit will only see the IP address of the proxy server, so that your real IP address is kept hidden. For more information on proxy servers, you may refer my earlier post on  What is a Proxy Server and How it Works ?

Types of Web Proxies

Here is a list of different types of web proxies that you can try:

Website Based Proxy Servers:

This is the simplest of all methods. There are many websites on the Internet that provide free and paid proxy service for the users without having to install any piece of software program on their computer. The following are some of the popular websites that offer proxy service:
The above websites provide a field to enter the URL of the target website that you want to visit anonymously. Once you submit, they will establish a connection with the target site and presents you back with the intended page that you are trying to browse. The downside of using these free services is that, some of them will not offer a secured connection (SSL) and you will often be presented with annoying ads and pop-ups during the course of your browsing. However, you can avoid these by becoming a paid user.

Browser Configured Proxy Servers:

There are hundreds of freely available open proxies that can be found on the Internet. You can obtain the IP address of one of those freely available proxy servers and configure your browser to start using them. However, as they are openly available to public, most of them are either bottlenecked or perform too slow on normal conditions.

Program Based Proxy Servers:

A program based proxy server requires you to install a program on your computer and configure its settings. These provide you with an option to start hiding your IP address with just a click of a button. They automatically connect your computer to a private high speed anonymous proxy server to provide best performance. You also have the option to choose proxies based on location such as countries. The advantage of using this type of proxy is that, it is not limited to a single browser. That means, your computer’s entire web traffic is routed through the proxy, there by guaranteeing you with a highest level of privacy.
Most of these programs come with a free trial where you are required to pay once the trial period expires. The following are some of the popular program based web proxies:

VPN Services:

VPN services provide reliable ways not only to hide your IP address but also to protect your data and identity over the Internet. Here are a few examples of VPN services that you can try:

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What is a Proxy Server and How it Works ?

In a computer network, a proxy server is any computer system offering a service that acts as an intermediary between the two communicating parties, the client and the server. In the presence of a proxy server, there is no direct communication between the client and the server. Instead, the client connects to the proxy server and sends requests for resources such as a document, web page or a file that resides on a remote server. The proxy server handles this request by fetching the required resources from the remote server and forwarding the same to the client.

How Proxy Server Works?

An illustration of how a proxy server works is shown below:

As shown in the above example, whenever the client connects to a web proxy server and makes a request for the resources (in this case, “Sample.html”) that reside on a remote server (in this case, xyz.com), the proxy server forwards this request to the target server on behalf of the client, so as to fetch the requested resource and deliver it back to the client. An example of client can be a user operated computer that is connected to the Internet.

Types of Proxy Servers and their Uses:

1. Forward Proxies

A forward proxy is the same one described above where the proxy server forwards the client’s request to the target server to establish a communication between the two. Here the client specifies the resources to be fetched and the target server to connect to, so that the forward proxy server acts accordingly. Except forreverse proxy (discussed in the latter part of this article), all other types of proxy servers described in this article falls under forward proxy.

2. Open Proxy

An open proxy is a type of forwarding proxy that is openly available to any Internet user. Most often, an open proxy is used by Internet users to conceal their IP address so that they remain anonymous during their web activity. The following are some of the web proxies that fall under the category of open proxy:

Anonymous Proxy

An anonymous proxy is a type of open proxy that conceals IP address of Internet users so that the target server cannot identify the origin of the requesting client. However, an anonymous proxy identifies itself as a proxy server but still manages to maintain the anonymity of the users.

Distorting Proxy

This type of proxy server identifies itself as a proxy, but reveals an incorrect IP address of the client to the target server.

High Anonymity Proxy (Elite Proxy)

An elite proxy provides maximum anonymity as it neither identifies itself as a proxy nor reveals the original IP address of the client. In most cases, users have to pay for this type of proxy as it is seldom available freely on the Internet.

3. Reverse Proxy

Unlike a forwarding proxy where the client knows that it is connecting through a proxy, a reverse proxyappears to the client as an ordinary server. However, when the client requests resources from this server, it forwards those requests to the target server (actual server where the resources reside) so as to fetch back the requested resource and forward the same to the client. Here, the client is given an impression that it is connecting to the actual server, but in reality there exists a reverse proxy residing between the client and the actual server.
Reverse proxies are often used to reduce load on the actual server by load balancing, to enhance security and to cache static content, so that they can be served faster to the client. Often big companies like Google which gets a large number of hits maintain a reverse proxy so as to enhance the performance of their servers. It is not a surprise that whenever you are connecting to google.com, you are only connecting to a reverse proxy that forwards your search queries to the actual servers to return the results back to you

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